About us

The spirit of Vingis is created by its people. Thus when we are asked “What is Vingis like?”, we always answer that it is the way WE are.

Lithuanian traditional songs and dances, and the time we spend together is a source of strength. No wonder our ancestors had their songs for every life event.

Vingis is a gift we wholeheartedly give to our viewers and listeners.

Vingis is our love for our country!


The brightest memories from the years at the ensemble are created during our traditional internal events. These traditions have been fostered for years, but every new generations adds their own spark. All of this lets us keep the spirit of Vingis alive through generations.

Intro evening

Every year we get to know the new members of Vingis during the Intro evening. The newbies present themselves, participate in tasks and challenges, answer the current members’ questions. This evening is meant to get a closer look into who the freshmen really are.

End-of-year evening

One of the most important events is the end-of-year evening. During this evening we look over all of the year’s events, concerts, trips and achievements. The board and president prepare a yearly report. We also nominate the ensemble members for their most outstanding achievements and traits, watch a rewind with all our memories and elect the new board and president

Freshmen inauguration

This evening is probably the biggest test for the newcomers in Vingis, which takes place in spring. At the inauguration, each new member is thoroughly tested. During the inauguration, the freshmen swear an oath after completing an intense obstacle course. Then, after they have all got themselves cleaned up, the newcomers are rewarded for all the suffering they have endured during the inauguration and for their readiness to be a member of Vingis with a certificate from the hands of the leaders. They pass through a corridor of national sashes in candlelight, pay tribute to the flag of Vingis, and leave behind a strand of hair. Finally, the new, true Vingis members give an artistic performance, which is usually appreciated by all the older members.

Aukštadvaris camp

The most fun event of the year is the camp in Aukštadvaris. For many years, members of Vingis spend the first week of August in the university’s sport and leisure base near Aukštadvaris, Skrebė lake. We gather here to have a great time and prepare for the upcoming season and trip to an international festival. On Saturday, we close the camp with a concert that we prepared during the week. The audience of the concert is made up of Vingis alumni, who come to admire the concert and get to know the new members of the ensemble.



Vocal group leader


Artistic director

Rimutė Zaleckaitė

Donatas Šiniauskas

Marija Juodkaitė

Benediktas Bartulis

Kęstutis Lipeika



Gustas Mensevičius


Sako, kad be Vingio negyvensi,

Sako, kad be Vingio nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, kad be Vingio greit pasensi,

Sako, kad be Vingio nėr draugų

Vingio Himnas


Trečiuos dainuojam,

Rageliais uli uli jo.

Ir skamba dainos

Tenai trečiuos.

Sako, be vadovų negyvensi,

Sako, be vadovų nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, be vadovų greit pasensi,

Sako, be vadovų nėr draugų

Sako, be šokėjų negyvensi,

Sako, be šokėjų nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, be šokėjų greit pasensi,

Sako, be šokėjų nėr draugų

Sako, be kapelos negyvensi,

Sako, be kapelos nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, be kapelos greit pasensi,

Sako, be kapelos nėr draugų

Sako, be vokalo negyvensi,

Sako, be vokalo nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, be vokalo greit pasensi,

Sako, be vokalo nėr draugų

Sako, kad be senių negyvensi,

Sako, kad be senių nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, kad be senių greit pasensi,

Sako, kad be senių nėr draugų

Sako, kad be fuksų negyvensi,

Sako, kad be fuksų nesmagu (oi nesmagu),

Sako, kad be fuksų greit pasensi,

Sako, kad be fuksų nėr draugų





